Monday, September 19, 2011

God writes our story we just live the life!!

So this weekend was my sisters 21st birthday celebration.  It started off very well I came back to Detroit to celebrate and make the day as memorable as possible but it went bad towards the end. Although the night wasn't planned to end in the hospital we certainly had a great beginning.. I will upload pics soon... Happy 21st Colby LOve you!!!

Saturday- Sunday comes along and we all are trying to re cooperate, but friendships were tested and it goes to show you when friends just grow apart, which is not a bad thing when you get older everything isn't always the same as when your younger.

Then toward the end of the weekend my second fam received some horrible news, my sisters uncle was in a bad car accident and it left everyone wondering and worrying what the outcome would be, i am keeping the Wilson's in my prayers everyday until this bad nightmare goes away..

It just goes to show you that God works in mysterious ways, one day you could be here healthy and strong and the next day you could be in the hospital weak and brittle, that's why they say live everyday like it's your last, cherish every moment and smile, and tell your loved ones that you love them

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