For healthy hair growth keep a good diet, and exercise on a daily basis. Drink lots of water and eat a proportionate amount of fruits and vegetables. Eating foods high in protein such as eggs, fish, beans and soy contribute to healthy hair growth. Also taking a Multi-Vitamin a day is good for a healthy diet and hair.
Flat ironing greasy, oily dirty hair will only damage your hair more, cleanse hair two-three times with a deep cleanse and moisturizing shampoo every two weeks
Only flat iron your hair once every two weeks
Yes I know after maybe a few days or a week your hair is limp and dull, well put it up in a fancy bun or put a head band on. The less heat you put on your hair the better.
Hair is Conditioned, blow dried and silked striaght without using any chemicals, you dont need a relaxer for this look, making appointments consistent every two weeks your hair will become healthier, and stronger with added shine and bounce.